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The Gift of the Word of Knowledge


The Gift of the Word of Knowledge — Jay Zinn

THE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is a divinely bestowed insight that reveals hidden truths about individuals, situations, or needs. This extraordinary gift transcends natural understanding and is imparted supernaturally, often manifesting as a direct download from the Holy Spirit, a sudden illumination of Scripture, an audible voice, an encounter with an angel, or through dreams, visions, and trances.

A poignant illustration of this is found in 1 Samuel 3, where the young Samuel hears his name called three times during the night, unaware that God is reaching out to him, as He had yet to reveal Himself to the child. Eli, the High Priest, recognizing the divine call, advises Samuel to respond to the next call. When Samuel does, the Lord reveals the impending judgment on Eli’s household.

In another instance from 2 Kings 5, Elisha, a prophet in northern Israel, encounters Naaman, a commander from Aram suffering from leprosy. After being directed to Elisha by a Hebrew servant girl, Naaman seeks healing and is miraculously cured. Although Elisha refuses gifts for this miracle, his servant Gehazi, seeing an opportunity, fabricates a story to obtain money and clothing from Naaman. Upon his return, Elisha confronts Gehazi, having received a word of knowledge from God regarding the deceit. As a result, Gehazi is struck with the same leprosy that Naaman had been healed of.

In both instances, the Word of Knowledge serves distinct purposes: revealing profound truths, affirming prophetic authenticity, opening avenues for evangelism, and providing guidance or warnings. This gift often complements prophetic ministry, offering insights into the past, present, or future that cannot be discerned naturally.

My journey with this gift began in Florida as I approached my prayer spot in the woods near the hospital where I served in the Air Force. There, I received a profound word of knowledge: “I have called you to be a minister of my Word.” Eight months later, while stationed in Anchorage, Alaska, I joined a charismatic church where an elder, unaware of my background, prophesied those exact words over me about my calling.

In a series on the gifts of the Spirit, the pastor of this church recounted a life-saving experience linked to the Word of Knowledge. After picking up a hitchhiker, he received a clear directive from God to be cautious of an oncoming vehicle, prompting him to pull over just in time to avoid a collision.

I, too, experienced a similar divine intervention. While on a month-long mission trip to Nicaragua with two fellow brothers in a van, we stopped to rest for the night. Urgently prompted by a word of knowledge, we immediately broke camp and resumed our journey, narrowly avoiding a gang of armed bandits just down the road.

The Word of Knowledge is a vital asset within the Church. It can unlock God's presence and foster faith that leads to healing, deliverance, and salvation. As believers, we should earnestly seek these spiritual gifts.

Other examples of this gift: Matthew 16:13-20; 17:24-25; Luke 19:28-34; 22:7-13; 22:31-34; John 4:15-19; 11:1, 5-6, 11-15; Acts 5:1-5


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